Friday, September 11, 2009


...It's true!! You are the only one who can mold your own destiny. So keep setting goals and challenges for yourself. Don't stop. I know it can get tough or it may seem like it's taking forever, but you gotta hang in there. Also, don't let the thought of failing get in the way. Trust me, I used to be terrified of this. Ask anyone who knows me. But not anymore! Why? Because some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve had the most failures. Believe that...

Take a peek in my world. I was recently given a tremendous and rare opportunity. My News Director asked me to put together a story but could not guarantee it would make air. Talk about a challenge! I have been working behind the scenes @ Fox 5 for 5.5 years now (hey check out all those "5s"), and I have zero on camera experience. I was shakin' in my heels (I wasn't wearin' boots guys). Annieways, I went out to shoot the interview, tracked the piece, and worked closely with the editor on putting it all together. And, bless the editor's heart cause I was probably a pain in his rear! Ahahaa! Long story short, it aired on Thursday during the 5pm newscast. I couldn't believe it! It was an awesome feeling to see it on my TV-- a real sense of accomplishment. I gotta say that I have THE MOST supportive and thoughtful friends & colleagues. I'm counting my blessings... it means SO MUCH that people actually care and want the best for you. Man, I could really go on & on about this. I had the kindest notes and emails from everybody including the real pros, and you better believe I still have all those comments tucked away because it will keep me grinding. I also know these encouraging notes will help me get through tough and frustrating days. My latest goal in life is to continue on this new journey... we'll see where it takes me!

Here's the link to Annie Yu's FIRST package:

Let me end with this... eight years ago our nation was attacked by cowards. Thousands of innocent lives were taken... we will never forget them and their families. I will never forget that day. Our world has changed since 9-11-2001 but one thing remains the same... we stand united. Thank you to our troops who keep us safe everyday!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.



  1. Wow, that is so awesome, congratulations!

  2. Keep climbing that ladder girl! I can remember joking around about this with you 6-7 years ago. Rock!

  3. Thanks, Paul & Ray!! Ur support means so much.
    Wow, has it really been 6-7 years Ray?? Man. Time flies.

  4. No problemo...I figured I met you in my mid 20's and now I'm well..OLD! +1 on having a supportive network. I could use one of those. :)
