Thursday, August 6, 2009

Football is in the air

I am SO ready for football season! Are you? Who doesn't love football?!! I'll never forget the first time I went to an NFL game. I sat in dream seats and nearly had a heart failure because I was sooo close to the players. I couldn't believe it. Strahan looked ginormous to me...well they ALL did but he sticks out in my mind for some reason. This was in 2001, I think. It was a Skins vs Giants game @ FedEx Field and it was bitter cold. I have a picture but gosh...I was such a nerd back then that I refuse to share it. You know, I'm normally good with sharing unflattering pics but this is a little crazy. :0)

Now, I get to attend all home games as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader Ambassador (WRCA)!! Too much fun!! It's my 2nd year on the squad. :0) Woo hoo! Here's a peak at one of my official 2009-2010 photos!

SO here's the deal... we're an extension of the Redskins Cheerleaders and our main focus is interacting with all the fans during home games. We get to have a more intimate experience with the fans before & during games by visiting owners suites, club levels, touchdown/tailgate sections, and doing seat visits. People ask if we have to audition every year... and YES you do...even if you're a veteran. More than 400 ladies show up @ auditions and about 30 girls are chosen for WRCA and about 40 for the on-field squad. I really enjoy it because I love to talk (call me "Ms. Chatterbox") and I get to meet super cool people. I even ran into Troy Aikman once and exchanged hellos. I'm a Skins fan but meeting Troy Aikman was pretty fancy! My fav Skins players... Clinton Portis, Santana Moss, and Shaun Suisham (because he's the kicker and deserves some love and recognition too!)

Our first pre-season game is Saturday, Aug 22nd...can't waaaait! Will I see you guys there??? I hope so!