Friday, August 14, 2009


Hi friends! Life has been a little crazy but in a good way. It's better than being bored cause Lord knows I hate just sitting around and twiddling my thumbs. Lots of changes going on in my personal and work life... plus football season is here! Busy, busy. Skins had their first pre-season game against the B'more Ravens last night and it was a stinker. Fooey. Hate seeing the big fat ZERO... especially when we go up against the Ravens. Battle of the Beltways? Not really. Anniewho, I have faith in the Skins and will remain loyal to the burgundy & gold!!! Go Skins! Oh, guess who else is a Skins fan??? Gaelan Connell... the star of the new movie "bandslam." He's a DC/Silver Spring native but obviously has a place in Cali as well... it's pretty coolio that he'd rather stay here than Hollywood cause of his furry pal. Awww, what a winner! Gave him a squad photo and he was really thrilled-- it was probably all an act!!! LMBO. Oh, Gaelan. He is incredibly humble, and I had to remind him like 10 times he was a celebrity. Sweet guy. Wish him the best of luck.

Check out the interview from this morning:


1 comment:

  1. Changes...ewww. Most people don't like change. Props to you!
